Protocol, etiquette and negotiation in Business Tourism (26-50pax)

$348.00 USD

We want you to get the most out of your business meetings abroad. That is why we will train you and your team in protocol, etiquette and negotiation required based on the culture and industry with which you plan to interact. Before this, we make an extensive documentation of the people’s profile who will receive the preparation, in order to adapt the approach according to the type of interaction that they are expected to have, and with the type of contact they are intended to address. Likewise, we share a digital report with the memories of the training, an evaluation of the training and the participants, as well as a series of conclusions and relevant points to remember.


To train you and your team in the patterns and ways of negotiating with new cultures and industries will allow you to maximize the results when attending meetings and events abroad, or international conventions with Embassies, Diplomats or Senior Management Levels. You will be in great advantage against your opponents.

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